Open the Door Events | Spain & Europe Wedding Planner

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At Open the Door we’re all about giving you space

The advantage of intimate gatherings in outdoor spaces

We have been designing unique outdoor events for over five years. Our love for the fresh country air, soft natural lighting, natures sweet soundscape and breathtaking backdrops has shone through in each of our weddings. We carefully source the most beautiful remote locations in Andalusia for our couples to have the space they need to be themselves. And the room we need to design a wedding that feels like them. The venues we offer our couple all have one thing in common - they are away from it all. Our couples have utmost intimacy and seclusion, enabling them to experience more than a wedding celebration, but a one of a kind experience with their tribe.

The openness of our spaces, gives our couples and their guests the reassurance and feeling of safety during a time of fear for our health and of those we love. But it doesn’t end there, the sleepy villages that surround our venues also provide a sense of tranquility, with tapas bars and restaurants sprawling out onto spacious plazas and private country houses to reside in during your stay.

Could this be the end for Destination Weddings?

Absolutely not.

After being stuck in the stuffy indoors of the homes that we used to love (just kidding, not really), we are craving a change of scenery and to be with our beloved friends and family again. We are not ones to promote the idea of getting married abroad - if you can have the wedding you want locally then that is of course the most sustainable option.

Until flights get back up and running we won’t really be able to understand how air travel will change, many of us are worried that flight prices will increase and some airlines won’t make it to the other side of the crisis. Whatever happens, I think we will all have to be a bit more thoughtful about which events we commit to and take longer more meaningful trips when we do fly.

In our case, many of our couples are mixed nationality making travel inevitable. So we believe that intimate destination weddings will continue, with an even stronger intention to reconnect. If we’ve learned anything during the lockdown, it’s our need for connection and community. For that reason alone, I believe destination weddings will continue to be a celebration of adventure, love and growth.

Why eco conscious events will become the new ‘normal’

Living in a pandemic highlights how our global way of living isn’t working and hasn’t been functioning for society, the community and the planet for a long time. Relying on the third world for cheap produce, or flights to bring in fresh food isn’t acceptable knowing the harm this involves. For our countries to thrive, we need to understand the importance of investing in the local community.

Eco conscious businesses are one step ahead, we understand the importance of artisanal, ethical and earth friendly practices and have everything we need within reach to continue business as usual. And are also aware that sustaining our planet isn’t enough, we need to regenerate and make it a better place to live for future generations. As the rest of the world switch on and the demand for eco conscious services increase, we will fully understand how to meet the needs of our clients and be able to provide a thoughtful conscious service at the drop of a hat.

If you are a creative business and would like to learn more about becoming eco friendly hit the button below